Friday, April 25, 2008

Max pull ups

Congratulations to Tiffany on her first pull-up!

Today we did a little something different for workout.  We started with a strength circuit of 5x5 thrusters.  Great job to Jenn H. and Tiffany for their 83 lb thrusters.

Workout was:

how many rounds and how many pull-ups each round!

run around the block
max set of pull-ups

keep track of how many rounds and how many pull-ups each round!

I wanted to take a moment to recognize some new personal records that have occurred in the last month.

Devon reached a new pr with 20 pull-ups
Jeff rowed a new best with 1:37.1
Lisa got her first kipping pull-up!
Blake set a new gym record with a 1:26.1 row

Great job everyone!  Keep up the amazing work!

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