Sunday, January 4, 2009


Are you keeping track of your workouts? Joe, Irena, and Julia are starting off the new year right by keeping up with their journals.  Everyone is encouraged to start and keep a record of their workouts.  We will have sheets for journaling and files to store them when we get into the new gym on Saturday!

Nathan taking the weighted pull-up to new extremes.  

The gold standard for the leg circuit is to complete four rounds in 6 minutes or less.  Melissa decided to take on the challenge and try it out herself.  She completed all four circuits in 7:21!  Great job!

The kettlebell circus has come to town!

Nice height on your jump squats Aaron!

Adrienne and Jeff sprinting to the finish on their 250 meter rows!

Gary doing a great demonstration of a windshield wiper!

Friday was a core grind workout.  Everyone did a great job with the leg circuits.  They do get easier the more you do them!

Workout was:

3-4 rounds of each circuit

Group A
leg circuit
10 - jacknifes
rest 1 minute

Group B
20 - kettlebell swings
row 250 meters
rest 1 minute

Group C
3 - turkish get-ups (each side)
10 - knees to elbows

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