Wednesday, July 30, 2008

ball slam fever

So, we actually ran a two different WOD's today.  Am classes did one workout and the pm class did another.  We had our largest group class ever last night with 22 participants.  Just a reminder that beginning Monday, August 4th class size will be limited to 12.  Don't forget to sign up if you want a guaranteed space in a class!  Thanks to everyone that has been registering on a regular basis.  You're the best!

Workout was:


3 rounds

10 db or kettlebell snatches (each arm)
20 ball slams 
row 250 meters
rest 3 minutes between rounds


partner workout

run 450 meters


partner ladder 1-10
dumbbell snatch
ball slam
kettlebell swings

300 jumpropes
6x bear crawl
6x heavy dball carry

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